Let’s Talk First Time Home-Buyer

First time home buying can be so overwhelming, and finding the right agent for you is one of the most important pieces when it comes to purchasing a home. In the state of Texas, a first-time homebuyer is defined as any family or individual who hasn't owned a home within the last three years. So even if you previously owned a home – but have not owned one in the last three years – you are classified as a first-time buyer.

Which means you can take advantage of many of the opportunities available to first time home buyers, reach out to a trusted mortgage professional to learn more about those programs and what all you would be eligible for. 

For more first time home buyers, you have never seen the contracts that you will be signing in order to put in an offer when it comes to a residential home (non new build) this contract is called the residential 1-4 contract. Ensuring the agent you are working with is competent and able to explain the contract clearly to you is vital. Once the seller signs this contract - it is a legal document and knowing what you are signing and what it means. 

When it comes to starting the process, not only is it important ti find an agent you trust to help you with the process, finding a loan officer that you trust is vital to making the process smooth. Your loan officer will let you know what loan programs you and the properties you are looking at qualify for. Your loan officer will also be asking for quite a bit of financial documents, so you want to make sure you are comfortable sharing that information with this person. Please know that a loan officer and/or title will NEVER ask for money up front to process your application, or move your closing along. 

If you are ready to start the process of home-buying or want to know what options are available to you, please email me at candicejlottrealtor@gmail.com and we can chat. 


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